Sunday, June 22, 2014


Hello students and parents! We hope that all of you are having a wonderful summer! While the teachers are squeezing in some much needed "R & R" we are also busy preparing for the next school year. We will truly miss our previous students but we also can't wait to meet our next group of first graders.

Here are some items you will need to be prepared for first grade (you may also find this list under the important information tab):

First Grade Supply List
 2 glue sticks
 2 bottles of Elmer’s glue
 2 solid color 3 prong folders (1 green and 1 blue)
 1 pair of student scissors (preferably fiskars)
 1 box yellow #2 pencils (12 or 24 pack)
 2 pink pearl erasers
 3 boxes crayola 24 count crayons
 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
 2 solid color spiral notebook (90 pages)
 1 container Clorox wipes
 1 box of tissue
 $8.00 for 1st grade tshirt – this shirt is personalized
for your child’s class
 a backpack – no wheels
Girls only – 1 pkg. expo markers (dry erase)-all black
Boys only – 1 box ziplock (snack, quart or gallon)

The clinic requests that you send in a change of
clothes in a plastic bag. These clothes will be
kept in the classroom for emergencies.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

End of the Year Candy Awards

I can't believe this school year is over! It has been an incredible year. We have seen your children grow into amazing readers, writers and thinkers. How amazing for us teachers to be a part of this wonderful transformation! Thank you parents for all you do. Have a wonderful summer and keep reading! :-)